Exploring Eastern Europe

In Sultanmet

Ginger cat in Sultanmet, Istanbul, Turkey

Whilst on my year abroad in Prague I have been itching to go traveling, and where better to go than the region that I study in my degree?

My trip started in Prague and ended in Istanbul. In total I went to 7 places: Zagreb in Croatia, Jajce and Sarajevo in Bosnia & Herzegovina, Split in Croatia, Belgrade in Serbia, Sofia in Bulgaria and finally, Istanbul in Turkey. Here are some pictures from my travels:

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The Famous Camden Special

Those who know me or follow me on twitter know that I love to talk about something called a ‘Camden Special’. I’m always pining after and dreaming of it. Any outsider who has been to Camden or knows of its reputation may think that I’m talking about some kind of 3 for 2 deal on skull tattoos, Dr. Martens and nipple piercings at Camden Market. But sadly no, that is definitely not what I am talking about. The Camden Special is a flavoured latte that a coffee shop on Camden Road called the ‘Camden Coffee House’ specialises in.

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